Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mysterious Paper Sculptures

One really cool sculpture appeared in front of the Scottish Storytelling Centre and there was a really cool message/quote written on it.

Once upon a time there was a book and in the book was a nest and in the nest was an egg and in the egg was a dragon and in the dragon was a story.....

Mysterious paper sculptures

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cool Quote

To those who much is given, much is lost.

New Theseus Movie!!

There is a new movie on Theseus coming up in November!! It is not like the myth but it is very cool. Here is the link to the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VdONYkKFmQ

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Title "Quote" Definition

The Quote "What you see is only half of what there is" is a quote I heard from a movie series called Ghost Whisperer. I think that this quote means to keep your mind wide open because what you see is sometimes not all of what there is. For example. Some people might be able to see ghosts (Just maybe. I personally believe in ghosts.) however some people might not believe because they cannot see. So I basically think that you just have to keep your mind wide open because the truth is that you cannot see everything there is in reality.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Father's Day

June 19 (tomorrow), is Father's Day! Don't forget to get your father a special present everyone!!! Some suggestions would be.....

1. Buy something that he likes

2. Make him a present that motivates him

3. Definitely make him the card. Don't buy the card make it he will feel happier.

Well this might not be much info but I hope it helped you!!! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I am most proud of my Ancient Egypt diary. I am proud of it because it was a hard piece and I did well on it. It took a lot of effort and brain work but I did it! It was a story about a mystery guy (which is an artistan) working for the king of egypt but also plotting a plan to kill him around the end. It shows the life of an artistan in the past in a fun way. A STORY!!!!

My greatest challenges in humanities was writing a story which may explain what an ancient person used to do. It was challenging because you have your own plan for your story but then you have to write about ancient and sometimes you make mistakes like adding modern life objects into the story. That was the most challenging thing I have experienced this year. 

I have learned 3 things about myself this year and I will list them in paragraphs:

1. I learn best when I am not stressed out. I get stressed out easily like when I get shouted at, when I am trying to work, I get stressed out when I am lonely too and other people are talking and when there is something moving while I work. I also learn better when I am listening to music to comfort me. One thing that will help me best is if the class is really fun.

2. I need to get something squishy so that I dont move around because I cant stay still when I am listening to someone talking. I need a good work  space so that I can stretch out and chill-ax while I am working. I like art so maybe working with something colorful or working around some art in the class (I think working a little artistically can help everyone improve in class).

3. The strategies that would help me in my learning is if you give me longer time to read (SSR). Give us free time when we are good to do like board games, drawing, reading, etc. Another thing that will help me learn will be where you place me (desks). In addition to that 'WHO' you place me with as partners or as desk buddies can really effect my concentration.

Work Habit Evaluation:

a) Behavior

Satisfactory, because sometimes I goof off...

b) Participation

Satisfactory, because sometimes I am upset or annoyed at some people so I get off track.

c) Organization

I'm super organized, I have everything I need for class almost always.

d) Effort

Satisfactory, I put my best in it but sometimes I just can't go beyond expectations sometimes.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to try and get straight A's. I was so close this year but then something happened.

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to make lots of new friends.

6.  Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know? No not really...

7.  What was your favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year?  What did you enjoy about it? I liked Tick Tac Toe thingy because you are aloud to embrace your artistic mind and share it with the class. 

8.  What activity do you wish we could have spent more time on? I wish I could have spent more time on ICGR. My group and I needed more time to practice.

9.  Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?

I would say to work hard and turn in the work you have to turn in on time.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


My favorite books that I have read this year is actually a series. The name is Warriors and I finished reading the first series of it called "The New Prophecy" The Author of this series is Erin Hunter. In Warriors there are 5 series and 2 normal single books. It is actually quite confusing.

This book has made me think about the cat behavior and how the cat thinks. I have always wondered how cats survive in the wild and this book sort of gives me a picture in how they might survive in real life. It helped me think of why cats are so afraid of people. I think that this book is helping me unravel how a cat would survive in the wild. However you have to think before you guess because this is fiction...

This book has challenged me by having words that I don't understand. There was one which was "quarell" and now I know that it means in a fight. Like in a fight with your girlfriend or boyfriend. This book is also challenging because it has things that could be true and things that may not be. Some parts of the book may unravel what happens in real life (cats behavior or how they thrive in the wild) but some parts are not true. Sometimes you have to think to see if this part is true or not.

Don't read this book if you hate fiction or if you don't like cats. This book is all about cats and they also talk. So in the story it is sort of like you are a cat reading what another cat has wrote. This also talks about relationships and there is a little bit of romance and if you don't like romance I guess this is not the book for you either...

List of the books I finished reading in: Warriors the New Prophecy

Book 1: Midnight                    
Book 2: Moonrise
Book 3: Dawn
Book 4: Starlight
Book 5: Twilight
Book 6: Sunset

List of books in the series that I am reading now: Warriors Power of 3

Book 1: The Sight
Book 2: Dark River
Book 3: Outcast
Book 4: Eclipse
Book 5: Long Shadows
Book 6: Sunrise

Image of warriors book that I have read:


Images of the series that I am reading:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Literature Circles 4- The White Mountains

In humanities, we had to make two well structured paragraphs about how this quote and the rest of the chapter relate to the theme, freedom.

Here is the quote:

"The bitter thing was all the spirit, all the gallantry, was wasted. For even more than inferiors, they accepted and looked forward to being Capped. It was a part of becoming a knight, or of turning from a girl to lady. Thinking of this, I saw how good things could be meaningless in isolation. What value did courage have, without a free and challenging mind to direct it?" (p. 111)

Well since you may not know what the book is about when I write 2 summary's of it I will tell you a little about it. Anyways, a long time ago there were huge machine like 3 legged creatures called the tripods came to Earth. They came and took control. The people, not doing anything about it allowed the tripods to take control. However there was a boy called Will and he decided to go to the White Mountains to be free. But who knows. Will he be free like he wishes? or will he be capped and used as a slave. That is to be a secret.

Anyway, I think that this quote relates to freedom because, it is talking about how everything is wasted because there is no freedom. It is like when you are grounded your freedom is lost and it is rather boring. It is like for me, if I was grounded from video games then I would feel like i am in a cage. Like I am not free. Because it makes me feel great to do as I wish (after what you need to do is done). But in Will's case, you literally lose your freedom. Being grounded is enough for me, but for Will it is nothing like it, in fact it is much worse. 

Here is another paragraph. When it said that some people wanted to be capped, Will was shocked because he knew that there was no freedom in being capped. But he most likely wondered to himself why did some people look forward to being capped? It seems to me that some people think that being capped means to be learning how to be civilized. Like when the quote at the top said that they would turn into a knight or a girl into a lady. They thought that being capped meant that but it really ment... No Freedom! I think that freedom is when people dont give commands and get angry at you. I think when you are happy and not being taken under control is freedom. Being in the box is not freedom. That is my thought but I also think that this may be what Will thinks what freedom is.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Well at the moment I am bored so yea... bored... haaaaaaaaaaa... So bored... Well I miss the fun times. Ahhhh good times good times.. Ooops srry had a flashback but well see ya!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Literature Circles- The White Mountains Reflection

In humanities we have started a new literature circle book and group. We call literature circles for short Lit Circles. Anyway, half the class reads about "The Giver" and the other half reads "The White Mountains". I am in the group of White Mountains. So for this assignment he told us to answer one of 3 questions. These are the questions.

1. How were the Tripods able to control the people?

2. Find evidence (quotations from the novel) to show that even though Will is comfortable living at the castle, he is frustrated that the Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise have been capped.

3. Find evidence (quotes) to show how Will feels about being capped.

I am going to choose the 1st question. Well first of all the tripods were able to take over the people not necessarily control them. Anyway the tripods have come to earth to get more power and so they took control. And the kids, well at least Will's gang are going to the white mountains to be safe. But I don't think that is the only thing that is going to happen. I think that they are going to set everyone free as well.

If I was in their situation I would be so scared like everyone else. I would definitely need a gang of friends to comfort me while going to the journey (if I was to be Will I would be like that). I wouldn't run to the white mountains to be safe. I would also find a way to save everyone else. I wouldn't want to be greedy. But I would be nervous because everyone would be counting on me.

Anyway the question waas "How were the Tripods able to control the people" and I would say that they are big and they can scare the people into making them their slaves and all. But it is probably because they are so big and they can kill a person in one shot unless they have something against them. (which the villagers dont but Will will be) So it is basically that they can take control of people because they are strong and big and so all the people are scared of them which is how the Tripods took control of people.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

iMovie Peer Reflection

For a homework assignment we had to wright 4 peer reflections including mine, for our pharoh imovie...

Mao and Cheyenne

I think that their imovie was really good. They had a variety of information and they had good transitons. They also were very clear and they made the imovie funny and interesting. They knew exactly what they were talking about. They were clear in when Khufu ruled, what his accomplishments are, etc. I think their presentation was absolutely fabulous.

Jung Hun (Edwin) and Shivank
~King Tutankhamun~

I think their imovie was good. They tripped on some words but tried to fix it which was good I guess... I think they should have put a variety of information instead though because they basically only explained about the curse that his toumb has. Their transitions were good and they had a loud and clear voice which made it easier to understand what they are talking about.They also made their imovie interesting and funny!!! I think that they did a good job on their imovie!!

Dania and Johanna
~Queen Nefertiti~

I think their introduction was really good. They made it interesting and funny which I liked. They also had a loud and clear voice. I think they did a good job and in their transitions, ruling time and more. They did such a fantastic job that there isnt much to comment on good Job guys!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

imovie Reflection

In humanities we made an imovie of certain Pharaoh's with a partner. The Pharaoh we picked was King Tutkhamun. My partner was Raissa.

We have already finished presenting. And now we have to Grade ourselves.

I think we did well entertaining the audience. They seemed amused at our slides although most of the pictures didn't come up... I felt proud that everyone liked how funny it was! It took me ages to write the script...

I think we needed more time though... We didn't have enough pictures for the slides, the bloopers went too fast and we forgot the source's... We definitely needed more time and I wish I wasn't absent so that we could have accomplished a better grade...

I think that me and my partner did good over all but we missed the sources and explanations about buildings and monuments... Raissa and I panicked in the end so I think we should have calmed down and worked our way through we would have done a much better job. I also think we should have put in transitions but whenever we tried it messed the hole imovie up! I panicked a little too much in the end and said that I would do all the work but I shouldn't have done that... My partner and I should have done it together because this was not only my presentation but it is OUR presentation. I think our narration was good because it was loud and clear.

We had some difficult obstacles. Collecting information, writing the script and more. Another obstacle was that whenever we finished the imovie and we try to put in transitions the hole presentation deleted... We were both very upset. While I was writing the script I realised that I didn't get the rubric so I completely missed out on some vital information that was needed in the script. Raissa and I needed more time to work on this project... However here is some advise for you!

1. Never panic in a tough situation

2. Read the Rubric throughly or ask the teacher if you dont have one or if you were absent for one

3. Team work is important so don't do all the work by yourself or else things will get mixed up

Thursday, January 27, 2011

City Connection Reflection

1) What did you do well on the project? I think I did well with speaking with a clear voice, grabbing everyones attention, explaining the details, etc.

2) What would you improve for future presentations/projects? I think I want to improve on finishing the project earlier so that I have more time to practice, find more information, maybe put some sound effects in my presentation to make it more interesting and more.

3) What did you learn from your preparation in addition to the presentations of others? I learned that being confident with your work is very important, I also learned that repeating the same words such as 'like..." because it may irritate the audience, in addition to that I think that I should change the tone of my voice and look at the audience more offen to keep there attention (although I already had their attention...).

4) What did you learn from the city presentations of others? From Mao's presentation I learned that, because of the great samurai sanada's house, that was full of cherry blossom tree's (Sakura tree's) the national flower of Japan became the cherry blossom tree.

5) How did you meet each of the requirements on the rubric? By following what the rubric said. If I don't then I would get bad grades.

6) What is your analysis of your performance? I think I did well, I felt good because I satisfied the audience. I think I should make my slides more interesting instead of just a prize so next time I am going to have to have a quiz to get a prize so they have to answer it right!!! Better pay attention to my presentation if u want a prize!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Learner Profile

1. I learn best when I am not stressed out. I get stressed out easily like when I get shouted at, when I am trying to work, I get stressed out when I am lonely too and other people are talking and when there is something moving while I work. I also learn better when I am listening to music to comfort me. One thing that will help me best is if the class is really fun.

2. I need to get something squishy so that I dont move around because I cant stay still when I am listening to someone talking. I need a good work  space so that I can stretch out and chill-ax while I am working. I like art so maybe working with something colorful or working around some art in the class (I think working a little artistically can help everyone improve in class).

3. The strategies that would help me in my learning is if you give me longer time to read (SSR). Give us free time when we are good to do like board games, drawing, reading, etc. Another thing that will help me learn will be where you place me (desks). In addition to that 'WHO' you place me with as partners or as desk buddies can really effect my concentration.

4. I would like my teachers to know this about me: I see ghosts (so when I am a little abnormal then maybe there is something spiritual going on) I like to dance (LOL) I also like Warhammer 40,000. They are mini figures that you have to put together and paint. I got some from my friend and my mom is going to get me some when she goes to Singapore (tommorow). I painted one at Dylan's house when I went over.

Well thats about it!!!

Picture of Warhammer that I painted at Dylan's!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

My New Year Resolution Post!

My first resolution for the year is to get organized. My locker is so messy ( and so is my room...) that I can't find anything in it and I get worried that I might have lost something like my library book but it is still in the messy piles of things in my locker! Plus one thing about organizing that I really need to improve on is to put things back. In my house I leave my things in the living room then I think that I lost something and it is actually downstairs in the living room. Thats why I need to improve organizing during 2011.

Another resolution is to remember things that I did in class so that I can get my grades up to its maximum. I need to start remembering what I have learned in class I keep forgetting what we have already learned and so my test results were not as good as last years results. I need to remember and study hard on things that we have already learned so that my test results can be really good ones. I really need to carve all the good information into my brain. I need to remember things especially in Math and Science... My father always says "Reviewing every day even for 10min is better than reviewing once a week for 2hours"  I am going to take my fathers advice and study everyday for 10min and get those grades up!!! ( Not that my grades are bad or anything)

This Christmas Holiday was really good! I went to Sipadan for Diving. We stayed at a resort that was ontop of the sea so if you were to jump in it would be pretty steep and fun!!! We dived 3 times a day and if we were lucky we could go for 4 dives. There were a lot of things to see like Sharks, tornado of Barracuda and Jack fish, Tuna, etc. Diving wasn't the only thing we did though. We jumped off the jetty when it was low tide and when it was high tide then we jumped off high places like the bench on the resort (Real high).

We also rented a canoe. My dad was getting ready like putting sunscreen on etc. Then we got on the canoe and went to a resort not too far away from ours. The resort looked like a huge ship (it was a cheap resort, lucky we didn't stay there). So we slowly paddled there and when we got there we tied the canoe onto the ladder that the resort had. My dad told me to get off the canoe first so I got off and went up the ladder (it was a short ladder). Then a few seconds after I got on the platform of the hotel my dad stood up and the whole canoe sank, just like that. I jumped back into the sea and tried to pull up the canoe before it sank to the bottom but me and my dad together could not get the water out of the canoe so we were stuck there trying to keep the canoe from sinking. Couple minutes later 2 boat men came to our rescue one got on the plat form the other jumped into the sea. The man in the sea lifted the  canoe enough so that the man on the platform could get all the water out by tipping it towards the sea. As soon as he got the water out of the sea he dropped it and luckily the canoe was still floating. My dad and I got cuts while we were climbing the ladder because of something growing on the ladder. After me and my dad got on the platform my  dad asked has anyone seen my sunscreen? we all bursted out laughing as the boat man handed my dad's sunscreen back to him. We looked around this boat hotel and they had never had a child in there hotel before. When we got back my mother was worried because we took so long and we told her the whole story.

A talent that I have that hardly anyone knows about is that I can see ghosts. In fact me and Mao have the same talent. Mao saw ghosts at the MS party and so did I. Let me tell you about one ghost that I had spotted  at the MS party. It was in miss Narsiman's room ( Not that I was in there) I was walking looking from side to side to see if there was anything interesting and at the corner of my eyes I saw a head (sort of blue). It was impossible for anyone to stick just a head at that window because there was a book shelf there. I would have seen her body but I only saw her head. When I turned to  look at it however it had vanished. I was scared I described it to Mao. I had said " OMG it was so scary the head was sort of blue the head had long hair so I knew it was a girl, she had big eyes and she was smiling freakishly at me!" At that moment me and Mao were terrified. We ran back to the canteen and took deep breathes and tried to calm down. And that is my scary talent that I don't think many people know about.  

Here is a picture of a barracuda tornado.


And here is a picture of a jack fish tornado and in the corner you can see the back of a grey reef shark.

Here are some youtube video's of a tornado of barracuda and what it looks like while you are sort of inside it.

