Monday, January 10, 2011

My New Year Resolution Post!

My first resolution for the year is to get organized. My locker is so messy ( and so is my room...) that I can't find anything in it and I get worried that I might have lost something like my library book but it is still in the messy piles of things in my locker! Plus one thing about organizing that I really need to improve on is to put things back. In my house I leave my things in the living room then I think that I lost something and it is actually downstairs in the living room. Thats why I need to improve organizing during 2011.

Another resolution is to remember things that I did in class so that I can get my grades up to its maximum. I need to start remembering what I have learned in class I keep forgetting what we have already learned and so my test results were not as good as last years results. I need to remember and study hard on things that we have already learned so that my test results can be really good ones. I really need to carve all the good information into my brain. I need to remember things especially in Math and Science... My father always says "Reviewing every day even for 10min is better than reviewing once a week for 2hours"  I am going to take my fathers advice and study everyday for 10min and get those grades up!!! ( Not that my grades are bad or anything)

This Christmas Holiday was really good! I went to Sipadan for Diving. We stayed at a resort that was ontop of the sea so if you were to jump in it would be pretty steep and fun!!! We dived 3 times a day and if we were lucky we could go for 4 dives. There were a lot of things to see like Sharks, tornado of Barracuda and Jack fish, Tuna, etc. Diving wasn't the only thing we did though. We jumped off the jetty when it was low tide and when it was high tide then we jumped off high places like the bench on the resort (Real high).

We also rented a canoe. My dad was getting ready like putting sunscreen on etc. Then we got on the canoe and went to a resort not too far away from ours. The resort looked like a huge ship (it was a cheap resort, lucky we didn't stay there). So we slowly paddled there and when we got there we tied the canoe onto the ladder that the resort had. My dad told me to get off the canoe first so I got off and went up the ladder (it was a short ladder). Then a few seconds after I got on the platform of the hotel my dad stood up and the whole canoe sank, just like that. I jumped back into the sea and tried to pull up the canoe before it sank to the bottom but me and my dad together could not get the water out of the canoe so we were stuck there trying to keep the canoe from sinking. Couple minutes later 2 boat men came to our rescue one got on the plat form the other jumped into the sea. The man in the sea lifted the  canoe enough so that the man on the platform could get all the water out by tipping it towards the sea. As soon as he got the water out of the sea he dropped it and luckily the canoe was still floating. My dad and I got cuts while we were climbing the ladder because of something growing on the ladder. After me and my dad got on the platform my  dad asked has anyone seen my sunscreen? we all bursted out laughing as the boat man handed my dad's sunscreen back to him. We looked around this boat hotel and they had never had a child in there hotel before. When we got back my mother was worried because we took so long and we told her the whole story.

A talent that I have that hardly anyone knows about is that I can see ghosts. In fact me and Mao have the same talent. Mao saw ghosts at the MS party and so did I. Let me tell you about one ghost that I had spotted  at the MS party. It was in miss Narsiman's room ( Not that I was in there) I was walking looking from side to side to see if there was anything interesting and at the corner of my eyes I saw a head (sort of blue). It was impossible for anyone to stick just a head at that window because there was a book shelf there. I would have seen her body but I only saw her head. When I turned to  look at it however it had vanished. I was scared I described it to Mao. I had said " OMG it was so scary the head was sort of blue the head had long hair so I knew it was a girl, she had big eyes and she was smiling freakishly at me!" At that moment me and Mao were terrified. We ran back to the canteen and took deep breathes and tried to calm down. And that is my scary talent that I don't think many people know about.  

Here is a picture of a barracuda tornado.


And here is a picture of a jack fish tornado and in the corner you can see the back of a grey reef shark.

Here are some youtube video's of a tornado of barracuda and what it looks like while you are sort of inside it.


  1. Really great story. I love it. But there are some things you could change... such as you said you dads. There should be an apostrophe (meaning that it should be dad's). same thing with Mrs. Narsiaman. Also maybe you could break your writing up into paragraphs? (The big one about the scuba diving)
    But otherwise it is AWESOME!!!!

    --Mao Tanaka--
