Sunday, August 15, 2010

What scientist I want to be

Out of historian geographer and archaeologist I want to be a archaeologist. The reason why I want to be  archaeologist is because we can find things like skulls and artefact that people used in the past. I don't like digging but to me it is worth digging if you find amazing things. An archaeologist doesn't just guess where to find old artefacts or bones. They have to estimate the right place where things might be buried by revising where they found other things from the past. In addition to that, they have to study the history that the historians uncovered.  I think that the tools that archaeologist uses is fun to use.

Here  are 2 pictures of archaeologists.


Here are the sources I used for my pictures:,r:22,s:0&tx=96&ty=91,3700&um=1&itbs=1&ei=YcdnTMKaD9K9cY-HgJAF&iact=rc&dur=760&oei=h8ZnTLXBEZKPcYDjiZAF&esq=7&page=7&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:170&tx=52&ty=96&biw=1440&bih=783

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

All about me

My name is Ayaka.  I am an only child in my family. I am in 6th grade. I am part Japanese, part American and part Singaporean. I have 4 sugar-gliders and 2 dogs. My 4 sugar-gliders names are Jack, Jewel, Coraline and Lezlie. My 2 dogs names are Frosty and Sasuke. I will one day become an amazing Ninja like Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke (this is not my dog). My mom's name is Akemi and my dad's name is Nathan.
My interest is to become a Ninja like Uzumaki Naruto. My hobbies, or basically what I do is to train to become a Ninja. My favorite things to do is reading Naruto books and watching video's of  Naruto.One of my favorite foods is Ramen!

Here are some adjectives that describe me: loud, funny, talkative, nice, weird, caring and  fast.
I am fast because I beat my friends in a running race. I am funny because people laugh at me. I am caring because I don't want to hurt people's feelings.

My academic and social goal is to at get all A's.

I am not sure what else you would like to know about me. I am officially out of ideas of stuff to tell you about me. Sorry if I missed out something that you wanted to know about me. However I do have one thing to tell about me. This is my first blog I have ever made in my life. Thanks for reading this!!!